VPL planned courses and seminars

Spring 2025

Core Courses

SPI 370 / POL 308 / CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy
Stephen J. Macedo

VPL Junior/Senior Seminars

CHV 479 / POL 483
Realizing Democracy
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

CHV 480 / POL 480
Legal Foundations of Liberal Democracy
Wojciech Sadurski

Fall 2024

Core Courses

PHI 202 / CHV 202
Introduction to Moral Philosophy

The Just Society
Alan W. Patten

POL 313 / CHV 313
Global Justice
Charles R. Beitz

VPL Junior/Senior Seminars

REL 365 / CHV 316 / PHI 366
What Should We Eat? Ethics, Religion, Politics
Andrew Chignell

POL 410 / CHV 410
Seminar in Political Theory: Political Theory and Social Change
Temi Ogunye

Spring 2024 

Core Courses

PHI 202 / CHV 202
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Jacob Morris Nebel

POL 303
Modern Political Theory
Gregory A. Conti

POL 305
Radical Political Thought
Jan-Werner Müller

VPL Junior/Senior Seminars

HIS 427 / CHV 427
Being Human: A Political History
Edward G. Baring

CHV 479 / POL 497
Realizing Democracy
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

POL 403 / CHV 403 / ARC 405 / ECS 402 - CANCELLED
Architecture and Democracy
Jan-Werner Müller

Fall 2023 

Core Courses

POL 210
Political Theory
Anna Stilz

POL 301 / CLA 301 / HLS 303 / PHI 353
Political Theory, Athens to Augustine
Melissa Lane

SPI 370 / POL 308 / CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy
Stephen Macedo

VPL Junior/Senior Seminars

POL 477 / CHV 477  
Expressive Rights and Wrongs: Speech, Offense, Communication
Stephen Macedo

CHV 390/ PHI 390
The Ethics of Love and Sex
Elizabeth Harman


VPL Junior/Senior Seminars

CHV 395 / PHI 399 / REL 396
The Ethics of Eating
Andrew Chignell

POL 471 / CHV 471 - CANCELED
Environmental Political Theory
Anna B. Stilz

POL 474 / CHV 474
Media and Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives
Jan-Werner Mueller

FALL 2022

Core Courses

POL 307/CHV 307
The Just Society
Alan Patten

SPI 370/POL 308/CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy
Steven Kelts

VPL Junior/Senior Seminars

CHV 478/POL 478
Is Representative Democracy Failing Here?
Charles Beitz

PHI 380/CHV 380
Explaining Values
Victoria McGeer

CHV 367/POL 475/ PHI 368
A Democratic Philosophy
Philip Pettit

For a list of previous VPL seminars, click here.