Previous Cross-Listed and Funding Courses

Spring 2022

CHV 247 / CLA 257 / AAS 246 / HLS 247
Rhetoric, A User's Guide (From Ancient Greece to the American President)
Emily Greenwood

CHV 390/ PHI 390/ GSS 391
The Ethics of Love and Sex
Elizabeth Harman

ECS 389 / CHV 389 / HUM 389 / ENV 389
Environmental Film Studies: Research Film Studio
Erika Kiss

HIS 369 / CHV 369
European Intellectual History in the Twentieth Century
Edward Baring

PHI 307 / CHV 311
Systematic Ethics
Sarah McGrath

PHI 351 / CHV 351
Environmental Ethics
Adam Lerner

PHI 380 / CHV 380
Explaining Values
Joseph C. Moore

POL 403 / CHV 403 / ARC 405 / URB 403
Architecture and Democracy
Jan-Werner Mueller

POL 418 / CHV 418
What are Human Rights?
Charles Beitz

POL 476 / CHV 476
Global Political Thought
Pratap B. Mehta

POL 477 / CHV 477 / JRN 477
Expressive Rights and Wrongs: Speech, Offense, and Commemoration
Stephen Macedo

REL 303 / CHV 305
God and Humanity in Catholic Thought
Daniel Rubio

REL 393 / CHV 393 / AMS 391
Muslim America
Rebecca Faulkner

SOC 302 / CHV 302
Sociological Theory
Shamus Khan

Fall 2021

CHV 310 / PHI 385
Practical Ethics 
Peter Singer                

CHV 385 / AAS 385
The Hidden History of Hollywood - Research Film Studio

CLA 532 / CHV 532 / COM 588
Translatio: Translating and Adapting Greek and Roman Classics in Theory and Practice
Emily Greenwood

HIS 427 / CHV 427
Being Human: A Political History
Edward Baring     

PHI 202/ CHV 202
Introduction to Moral Philosophy

PHI 411/CHV 411/POL 407
Free Speech in the Internet Age 
Susan Brison      

PHI 519 / CHV 519
Normative Ethics: Humans vs. Animals: Agriculture, Climate Change, and Justice
Adam J. Lerner

PHI 315 / CHV 315 / CGS 315
Philosophy of Mind
Adriana Renero

POL 313 / CHV 313
Global Justice
Charles Beitz      

REL 394/CHV394
Environmental Ethics and Modern Religious Thought
Ryan Darr                                                      

SPIA 370 / POL 308 / CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy  
Stephen Macedo                                                        

SPI 421 / POL 479/ CHV 470
Comparative Constitutional Law
Kim Lane Scheppele


Spring 2021

CHV 385 / AAS 385
The Hidden History of Hollywood - Research Film Studio
Erika Kiss

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar
Kim Lane Scheppele

ECO 385 / CHV 345
Ethics and Economics
Thomas Leonard

GER 314 / CHV 320 / COM 448
Topics in the History and Theory of the Media: Artificial Life
Devin Fore

HIS 369 / CHV 369
European Intellectual History in the Twentieth Century
Edward Baring

PHI 277 / CHV 277 / GHP 377
Biomedical Ethics
Alexander Meehan

PHI 350 / CHV 356
Ethics of Emerging Technologies
Johann Frick
Michal Masny

POL 307 / CHV 307
The Just Society
Alan Patten

POL 477 / CHV 477 / JRN 477
Expressive Rights and Wrongs: Speech, Offense, and Commemoration
Stephen Macedo

REL 214/ CHV 215
Religion, Ethics and Animals
Andrew Chignell
Shaun E. Marmon

SOC 302 / CHV 302
Sociological Theory
Kim Lane Scheppele

Fall 2020

ANT 360/CHV 360
Ethics in Context: Uses and Abuses of Deception and Disclosure
Rena Lederman

PHI 202/CHV 202
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Johann Frick 

SPI 370/POL 380/CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy
Renee Bolinger
Stephen Macedo

CHV 321/ENV 321/SPI 371
Ethical and Scientific Issues in Environmental Policy
Peter Singer
David Wilcove

CHV 368/POL 475/PHI 368
A Democratic Philosophy
Philip Pettit

CHV 395/PHI 393
The Ethics of Eating
Andrew Chignell

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar
Kim Lane Scheppele

CLA 310/CHV 314/ AAS 311/ POL 310
Citizenships Ancient and Modern
Dan-El Padilla Peralta

PHI 309/ CHV 309/ HUM 309
Political Philosophy
Ryan Cox

PHI 315 / CHV 315 / CGS 315
Philosophy of Mind
Ryan Cox

PHI 535 / CHV 535
Philosophy of Mind: Conversable Minds
Sam Berstler
Philip N. Pettit

REL 264 / CHV 264 / PHI 264
Religion and Reason
Denys A. Turner

REL 304 / CHV 304
Religion and Modern Moral Philosophy
Ryan M. Darr

Spring 2020

CHV 333 / PHI 344
Bioethics: Clinical and Population-Level
Johann Frick

CHV 334 / PHI 377
Michael Rabenberg

CHV 381 / PHI 388
Experimental Philosophy
Stephen Stich

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar
Elizabeth Harman

ECO 385 / CHV 345
Ethics and Economics
Thomas Leonard

PHI 307 / CHV 311
Systematic Ethics
Michael Smith

PHI 519 / CHV 519
Normative Ethics: Relational & Non-Relational Normativity
Johann Frick

POL 317 / CHV 316
Confucian Political Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary
Joseph Cho Wai Chan

POL 473 / CHV 473 / PHI 473
Managing Social Risk
Renee Bolinger

POL 474 / CHV 474
Media and Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives
Jan-Werner Muller

REL 301 / CHV 303
Religion and Ethics in the Anthropocene
Ryan Darr

SOC 302 / CHV 302
Sociological Theory
Kim Lane Scheppele


Fall 2019

CHV 310/PHI 385
Practical Ethics
Peter Singer

CHV 355
Wilson Goes to Hollywood: State-Propaganda-Film
Erika Kiss

CHV 390/PHI 390/GSS 391
The Ethics of Love and Sex
Elizabeth Harman

PHI 202/CHV 202
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Johann Frick 

PHI 380/CHV 383
Explaining Values
Michael Smith

PHI 383 / CHV 383
Freedom and Responsibility
Victoria McGeer

POL 418/CHV 418
What are Human Rights?
Charles Beitz

REL 261 / CHV 261
Christian Ethics and Modern Society
Eric Gregory

REL 264/CHV 264/PHI 264
Religion and Reason
Andrew Chignell

WWS 370/POL 380/CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy
Stephen Macedo

WWS 421/POL 479/CHV 470
Comparative Constitutional Law
Kim Lane Scheppele