Past Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellows

University affiliations are those of the fellows during their fellowship year.


Daniel Fryer, University of Michigan
Zoe Jenkin, Rutgers University
Tae-Yeoun Keum, University of California, Santa Barbara
Shen-yi Liao, University of Puget Sound
Shaun Ossei-Owusu, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
Andrew Sepielli, University of Toronto
Shatema Threadcraft, Vanderbilt University
James Lindley Wilson, University of Chicago


Farah Ahmed, Melbourne Law School
Elvira Basevich, University of California)
Desmond Jagmohan, University of California, Berkeley
Stuart Middleton, University of Warwick
Sarah Milov, University of Virginia
Brianna Toole, Claremont McKenna College
Desiree Valentine, Marquette University
Leif Wenar, Stanford University


Elizabeth Cohen, Syracuse University (Spring 2022)
Luara Ferracioli, University of Sydney
Melissa Ganz, Marquette University
Alexandre Lefebvre, University of Sydney
Errol Lord, University of Pennsylvania


Elizabeth Cohen, Syracuse University (Fall 2021)
Mathilde Cohen, University of Connecticut)
Janice Dowell, Syracuse University)
Jessica Flanigan, University of Richmond
David Sobel, Syracuse University


Greg Bognar (Stockholm University)
Richard Bradley (London School)
Ben Bramble (University of Liverpool)
Randolph Clarke (Florida State University)
Dorota Mokrosinska (Leiden University)
Avia Pasternak (University College London)
Sahar Sadjadi (Paris Institute for Advanced Study)
Justin Tiwald (San Francisco State University)
Daniel Viehoff (New York University)


Macalester Bell (Bryn Mawr College)
Lara Buchak (University of California-Berkeley)
Amanda Greene (University College London)
Matthew Landauer (University of Chicago)
Tom Parr (University of Essex)
Talia Schaffer (Queens College, CUNY and Graduate Center, CUNY)
Nelson Tebbe (Cornell University)
Stephen White (Northwestern University)


Stephanie Beardman (Independent Scholar)
Mitch Berman (University of Pennsylvania Law School)
Shaun Nichols (University of Arizona)
Drew Schroeder (Claremont McKenna College)
Amy Sepinwall (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
Murray Smith (University of Kent)
Inés Valdez (Ohio State University)
Mark van Roojen (University of Nebraska)


Jonathan Beere (Humboldt-Univerität zu Berlin)
Joshua Cherniss (Georgetown University)
John M. Doris (Washington University in St. Louis)
Karen Jones (University of Melbourne)
Linda C. McClain (Boston University)
Adriana Petryna (University of Pennsylvania)
Douglas Portmore (Arizona State University)
Susanna Rinard (Harvard University)
Melissa Schwartzberg (New York University)


Luc Bovens (London School of Economics)
Ruth Chang (Rutgers University)
Alexander Kirshner (Duke University)
Thomas (Tal) Lewis (Brown University)
Claudio Lopez-Guerra (CIDE, Mexico City)
Elinor Mason (University of Edinburgh)
Jennifer Morton (City College of New York, CUNY)
Melinda Roberts (The College of New Jersey)
Nicholas Vrousalis (Leiden University)


Louis-Philippe Hodgson (York University)
Hallie Liberto (University of Connecticut)
Alison McQueen (Stanford University)
Zoltan Miklosi (Central European University)
David Plunkett (Dartmouth University)
Lucas Stanczyk (MIT)
Amy Dru Stanley (University of Chicago)
Sharon Street (New York University)
Alec Walen (Rutgers University)


John Brunero (University of Missouri - St. Louis)
David Ciepley (University of Denver)
Paulina Ochoa Espejo (Yale University)
Chaim Gans (Tel Aviv University)
Peter A. Graham (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Waheed Hussain (University of Pennsylvania)
Susan James (Birkbeck College London)
Angela Smith (Washington and Lee University)


Elizabeth Ashford (University of St. Andrews)
Sonali Chakravarti (Wesleyan University)
Dallas G. Denery II (Bowdoin College)
Kimberly Ferzan (Rutgers University)
Chris Heathwood (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Bennett Helm (Franklin & Marshall College)
Michael Otsuka (University College London)
Henry S. Richardson (Georgetown University)
Alex Voorhoeve (LSE)


Ben Bradley (Syracuse University)
Emily Brady (University of Edinburgh)
Pablo Gilabert (Concordia University)
Kinch Hoekstra (University of California, Berkeley)
Adina Roskies (Dartmouth College)
Karl Schafer (University of Pittsburgh)
George Sher (Rice University)
Laurie Shrage (Florida International University)


Corey Brettschneider (Brown University)
Thomas Christiano (University of Arizona)
Gerry Mackie (University of California, San Diego)
Adrienne M. Martin (University of Pennsylvania)
Tim Mulgan (University of St Andrews)
Colleen Murphy (Texas A&M University)
Jonathan Quong (University of Manchester)


David Benatar (University of Cape Town)
Selim Berker (Harvard University)
Kyla Ebels-Duggan (Northwestern University)
Nancy Hirschmann (University of Pennsylvania)
Andreas Kalyvas (New School for Social Research)
Christian List (London School of Economics)


Leland de la Durantaye (Harvard University)
Ioannis D. Evrigenis (Tufts University)
David Lefkowitz (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Frank Lovett (Washington University in St. Louis)
Jose Luis Marti (Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona)
Sigrun Svavarsdottir (Ohio State University)
Jeffrey K. Tulis (University of Texas at Austin)


Arash Abizadeh (McGill University)
Matt Evans (New York University)
Adam Kolber (University of San Diego)
Anne Norton (University of Pennsylvania)
Aidan O'Neill (Queen's Counsel)
Corey Robin (Brooklyn College)
Miranda Spieler (University of Arizona)
Nadia Urbinati (Columbia University)


Jill Frank (University of South Carolina)
Lawrence Glickman (University of South Carolina)
Elizabeth Harman (New York University)
Nadeem Hussain (Stanford University)
Rahul Kumar (Queens University)
Heidi Maibom (Carleton University)
Jamie Mayerfeld (University of Washington)
Mathias Risse (Harvard University)


Anne Eaton (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Paul Guyer (Harvard University)
Angelika Krebs (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Ron Mallon (University of Utah)
John Oberdiek (Rutgers University School of Law Camden)
Tommie Shelby (Harvard University)


Justin D’Arms (Ohio State University)
Stephen Gardiner (University of Washington)
Daniel Jacobson (Bowling Green State University)
Rachana Kamtekar (University of Arizona)
Susan Lape (University of California – Irvine)
Sanjay Reddy (Barnard College – Columbia University)
Rob Reich (Stanford University)
Robert Wright (No affiliation)


Kate Abramson (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Gabriela Carone (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Joy Connolly (Stanford University)
Alice Crary (New School University)
Agnieszka Jaworska (Stanford University)
Jeff McMahan (Rutgers University)
Margaret Urban Walker (Arizona State University)


R. Bruce Hitchner (University of Dayton)
Duncan Ivison (University of Sydney)
John Kelsay (Florida State University)
Michael S. Kochin (Tel Aviv University)
Arlene W. Saxonhouse (University of Michigan)
William E. Scheuerman (University of Minnesota)
Tracy B. Strong (University of California, San Diego)
Steven Wall (Kansas State University)
Roslyn Weiss (Lehigh University)


Colin Bird (University of Virginia)
Michael Blake (Harvard University)
Judith Butler (University of California, Berkeley)
Susan Gubar (Indiana University)
Alan Patten (McGill University)
Jacqueline Taylor (Tufts University)
Gonda Van Steen (University of Arizona)
Niza Yanay (Ben Gurion University)


G. Scott Davis (University of Richmond)
Pablo De Greiff (State University of New York at Buffalo)
Logi Gunnarsson (Humbolt Universitat zu Berlin)
Dale Jamieson (Carleton College)
Glen Newey (University of Sussex)
Jonathan Riley (Tulane University)
Heda Segvic (University of Pittsburgh)
Joan C. Tronto (Hunter College and Graduate Center, CUNY)
Leif Wenar (University of Chicago)


Rachel Barney (University of Chicago)
Natalie Brender (Wesleyan University)
Simone Chambers (University of Colorado)
Ruth Chang (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)
John M. Doris (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Simeon O. Ilesanmi (Wake Forest University)
Alan J. Weisbard (University of Wisconsin Schools of Law and Medicine)


Claire Finkelstein (University of California, Berkeley)
Ruth Gavison (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Richard Moran (Harvard University)
Connie S. Rosati (University of California, Davis)
Barry S. Strauss (Cornell University)
Daniel M. Weinstock (Universite de Montreal)


Sarah Barringer Gordon (University of Pennsylvania Law School)
Jodi Halpern (University of California at Los Angeles)
John Kleinig (College of Criminal Justice, CUNY)
Bernard Reginster (Brown University)
John David Skrentny (University of Pennsylvania)
Dana R. Villa (University of California, Santa Barbara)


Neera K. Badhwar (University of Oklahoma)
Robert Gooding-Williams (Amherst College)
Casey Haskins (Purchase College, SUNY)
David Heyd (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Donald Morrison (Rice University)
Iris Marion Young (University of Pittsburgh)


Arthur Applbaum (Harvard University)
Jeff Spinner Halev (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
Christine Korsgaard (Harvard University)
Avishai Margalit (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Arthur Ripstein (University of Toronto)
Michael Thompson (University of Pittsburgh)


Daniel Bell (Canada SSHRC Research Fellow)
Christopher Bobonich (University of Chicago)
Hilary Bok (Pomona College)
Samuel Fleischacker (Willams College)
Kent Greenawalt (Columbia University School of Law)
Stephen Macedo (Syracuse University)
Yael Tamir (Tel Aviv University)


C. A. J. Coady (University of Melbourne)
Peter De Marneffe (Arizona State)
Alan Craig Houston (University of California, San Diego)
Thomas W. Pogge (Columbia University)
Debra Satz (Stanford University)


Julia Driver (City University of New York)
J. Peter Euben (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Samuel Freeman (University of Pennsylvania)
Frances Myrna Kamm (New York University)