Open Positions
At the University Center for Human Values (UCHV), scholars pursue their own research and writing, participate in courses, seminars, and colloquia, and contribute to the intellectual life of the Center. UCHV invites qualified scholars to apply to the Center’s open positions, posted periodically throughout the calendar year, including the Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowship, Fellows in Law, and the UCHV’s Postdoctoral Research Associate positions across disciplines. For more information on academic open positions at UCHV, filter by academic unit "Human Values" on AHIRE.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Closed Positions
- Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowships
- Visiting Professor for Distinguished Teaching
- Professor, Bioethics
- Open Rank: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor (with tenure) or Professor, Ethics in Society
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Harold T. Shapiro Postdoctoral Research Associate in Bioethics
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Philosophy and Religion
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Ethics and Climate Change
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Cognitive Science of Values
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Moral Philosophy
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Theory