UCHV Short Movie Prize winner is Ethan Luk ’24 and honorable mention to Lola Constantino’23 and Azi Jones ‘25

May 25, 2023

The University Center for Human Values is pleased to share the exciting news that the winner of the 2023 UCHV Short Movie Prize is Ethan Luk for his film "Gathering". Honorable mentions were awarded to Lola Constantino for “wish for a good life” and Azi Jones for “Lessons in Exile".  Follow the links below to watch their movies.

Winner: Ethan Luk '24 for /Gathering [watch, link is external] [read an interview with Ethan Luk]
Honorable Mention: Lola Constantino '23 for wish u a good life [watch, link is external]
Honorable Mention:  Azi Jones '25 for Lessons in Exile [watch, link is external]