Calendar of Events, 2024-25

Students enrolled in the minor program will be invited to a series of special events throughout the course of the year, including gatherings with faculty and visiting speakers. All events are by invitation only; specific times and locations will be given to students enrolled in the VPL minor.

For questions or additional information, please contact Kimberly Murray, Program Manager, at [email protected].

FALL 2024

Thursday, September 19: James A. Moffett '29 Lectures in Ethics: Bernard E. Harcourt (Columbia University)

Monday, September 30, October 28: Senior Thesis Workshop with Sara Purinton

Tuesday, October 1, October 29:  Senior Thesis Workshop with Elena Zeng

Wednesday, October 2, October 30: Senior Thesis Workshop with Arthur Obst

Friday, October 25: VPL Fall Reception

Thursday, November 14, and Friday, November 15: Tanner Lectures on Human Values: Randall L. Kennedy (Harvard Law School)

Date TBA: VPL Students Lunch with VPL Director



Monday, January 27, February 3, February 10, February 17: Senior Thesis Workshop with Sara Purinton

Tuesday, January 28, February 4, February 11, February 18:  Senior Thesis Workshop with Elena Zeng

Wednesday, January 29, February 5, February 12, February 19: Senior Thesis Workshop with Arthur Obst

Thursday, March 20: James A. Moffett '29 Lectures in Ethics: Alison McQueen (Stanford University)

Date TBA: VPL Open House

Date TBA: VPL Student Conference

Monday, May 26: VPL Class Day Celebration