Values and Public Life Minor

The University Center for Human Values launched its undergraduate certificate program in Values and Public Life in fall 2010. The VPL program was approved as a minor starting with the Class of 2025. Students attaining the minor will be equipped to bring informed discussion of values into the public sphere and to integrate a critical value perspective into their future studies and pursuits. Professor Sandra Bermann is the program's Director. 

The VPL minor is open to undergraduates in all disciplines, and students are invited to apply in the spring semester of their sophomore year. 

Program requirements consist of two core courses, one each in politics and philosophy, and an additional seminar in normative issues; two additional courses contributing to the development of an area of focus; and the writing of the senior thesis or a substantial piece of independent work on a relevant topic, with participation in a non-credit-bearing senior thesis workshop. Admission and completion of the minor are overseen by a faculty committee of the University Center for Human Values.

Enrolled students will be offered a further range of opportunities, including a mentorship program, meals with faculty and visiting speakers, summer grants for projects or research related to values and public life, and various outings and discussions on ethics-related topics.

For questions or additional information, please contact Samuel Hontz, Student Programs Coordinator, at [email protected].