Cross-Listed and Funded Courses

Spring 2025

CHV 479 / POL 483
Realizing Democracy
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

CHV 480 / POL 480
Legal Foundations of Liberal Democracy
Wojciech Sadurski

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar
Edward G. Baring

ECO 385 / CHV 345
Ethics and Economics
Thomas C. Leonard

PHI 211 / CHV 211 / REL 211
Philosophy, Religion, and Existential Commitments
Lara M. Buchak

PHI 315 / CHV 315 / CGS 315
Philosophy of Mind
Mark Johnston

POL 476 / CHV 476
Global Political Thought
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

PSY 333 / CHV 300 / CGS 333
Unlocking the Science of Human Nature
Molly J. Crockett

SOC 302 / CHV 302
Sociological Theory
Shamus R. Khan

SPI 370 / POL 308 / CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy
Stephen J. Macedo

Fall 2024

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar

ECS 489 / CHV 489 / HUM 485 / ENV 489
Environmental Film Studies: Research Film Studio
Erika A. Kiss

HIS 369 / CHV 369
European Intellectual History in the Twentieth Century
Edward G. Baring

PHI 202 / CHV 202
Introduction to Moral Philosophy

The Just Society
Alan W. Patten

POL 313 / CHV 313
Global Justice
Charles R. Beitz

POL 410 / CHV 410
Seminar in Political Theory: Political Theory and Social Change
Temi Ogunye

REL 261 / CHV 261
Christian Ethics and Modern Society
Eric S. Gregory

REL 264 / CHV 264 / PHI 264
Religion and Reason
Austen D. McDougal

REL 365 / CHV 316 / PHI 
What Should We Eat? Ethics, Religion, Politics
Andrew Chignell


Spring 2024

ANT 360 / CHV 360
Ethics in Context: Uses and Abuses of Deception and Disclosure
Rena S. Lederman

CHV 323 / PHI 424
Topics in Neuroethics: Cognitive Enhancements
Ian S. Peebles

CHV 479 / POL 497
Realizing Democracy
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar
Elizabeth Harman

CLA 310 / CHV 314 / AAS 311 / POL 310
Citizenships Ancient and Modern
Dan-El Padilla Peralta

ECO 385 / CHV 345
Ethics and Economics
Thomas C. Leonard

ECS 489 / CHV 489 / HUM 485 / ENV 489
Environmental Film Studies: Research Film Studio
Erika A. Kiss

HIS 427 / CHV 427
Being Human: A Political History
Edward G. Baring

PHI 202 / CHV 202
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Jacob Morris Nebel

PHI 211/ CHV 211/ REL
Philosophy, Religion, and Existential Commitments
Lara M. Buchak
Andrew Chignell

PHI 307 / CHV 311
Systematic Ethics
Sarah E. McGrath
Michael Smith

PHI 315 / CHV 315 / CGS 315
Philosophy of Mind
Alex Kerr

PHI 383 / CHV 383
Freedom and Responsibility
Gideon A. Rosen

POL 403 / CHV 403 / ARC 405 / ECS 402 - CANCELLED
Architecture and Democracy
Jan-Werner Müller

POL 476 / CHV 476
Global Political Thought
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

PSY 333 / CHV 300
Unlocking the Science of Human Nature
Molly J. Crockett

REL 303 / CHV 303
Biomedical Ethics
Timothy P. Jackson

SPI 421 / POL 479 / CHV 470
Comparative Constitutional Law
Wojciech Sadurski

Fall 2023

CHV 310 / PHI 385
Practical Ethics
Peter Singer

CHV 385 / AAS 385 / VIS 385 / COM 308
The Hidden History of Hollywood - Research Film Studio
Erika A. Kiss

CHV 390 / PHI 390 / GSS 391
The Ethics of Love and Sex
Elizabeth Harman

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar
Elizabeth Harman

CLA 330 / CHV 330 / HLS 340
Greek Law and Legal Practice
Marc Domingo Gygax

HUM 315 / CLA 315 / GHP 325 / CHV 325
Bio/Ethics: Ancient and Modern
Brooke A. Holmes

PHI 519 / CHV 519
Normative Ethics: Weighing Goods and Weighing Lives
Jacob Morris Nebel

POL 477 / CHV 477 / JRN 477
Expressive Rights and Wrongs: Speech, Offense, and Commemoration
Stephen Macedo

REL 261 / CHV 261
Christian Ethics and Modern Society
Eric S. Gregory

REL 402 / PHI 402 / CHV 407
Kant: Ethics, Religion, Politics
Andrew Chignell

SPI 370 / POL 308 / CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy
Stephen Macedo


Spring 2023

CHV 305 / PHI 405
Racial Justice in Healthcare
Ian S. Peebles

CHV 357 / POL 451
Legality and the Rule of Law in the State of Emergency
Gábor Mészáros

CHV 395 / PHI 399 / REL 396
The Ethics of Eating
Andrew Chignell

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar
Elizabeth Harman

ECO 385 / CHV 345
Ethics and Economics
Thomas C. Leonard

ECS 389 / CHV 389 / HUM 389 / ENV 389
Environmental Film Studies: Research Film Studio
Erika A. Kiss

PHI 307 / CHV 311
Systematic Ethics
Michael Smith

POL 471 / CHV 471 - CANCELED
Environmental Political Theory
Anna B. Stilz

POL 474 / CHV 474
Media and Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives
Jan-Werner Mueller

POL 476 / CHV 476
Global Political Thought
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

REL 264 / CHV 264 / PHI 264
Religion and Reason
Denys Turner

SOC 302 / CHV 302
Sociological Theory
John Robinson

Fall 2022

CHV 367 / POL 475 / PHI 368
A Democratic Philosophy
Philip Pettit

CHV 385 / AAS 385 / VIS 385
The Hidden History of Hollywood - Research Film Studio
Erika Kiss

CHV 478 / POL 478
Is Representative Democracy Failing Here?
Charles Beitz

CHV 529 / PHI 541
Peter Singer's Ethics: A Critical Assessment
Peter Singer

CHV 530/ POL 529
European Law & Human Rights in Comparative Perspective
Federico Fabbrini

CHV 599
Dissertation Seminar
Elizabeth Harman

PHI 202 / CHV 202
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Joseph C. Moore

PHI 335 / CHV 335 / HLS 338
Greek Ethical Theory
Hendrik Lorenz

PHI 380 / CHV 380
Explaining Values
Victoria McGeer

PHI 502/ GER 502 / CHV 502 / REL 547
The Philosophy of Kant: Kant's Practical Philosophy
Andrew Chignell
Alexander Englert

PHI 535/ POL 504 / CHV 535/ REL 544
Philosophy of Mind: Human Capacities
Philip Pettit

POL 307 / CHV 307
The Just Society
Alan Patten

POL 317 / CHV 316
Confucian Political Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary
Joseph Chan

REL 261 / CHV 261
Christian Ethics and Modern Society
Eric Gregory

SPI 370 / POL 308 / CHV 301
Ethics and Public Policy
Steven Kelts

For a list of previous cross-listed and funding courses, click here.