Office Support
The University Center does not provide clerical support to Visiting Fellows. There are two exceptions: (i) support for needs directly related to official Center activities (e.g., making photocopies for Center-sponsored seminar presentations) and (ii) stamping and mailing business mail. Where needed, Dawn Disette or Kim Girman can help you locate appropriate resources and equipment.
Office Supplies
Please ask Dawn Disette or Kim Girman for basic office supplies such as pens, legal pads, staples, stationery, etc. University letterhead is available for your professional correspondence. Please check with Dawn or Kim before purchasing your own supplies and submit for reimbursement through your research account. The University has negotiated rates with vendors and it will be less expensive for UCHV to purchase the items on your behalf and charge your account directly (or, in the case of supplies that are already in the Center's possession, it will be given to you without a charge).
Kitchen Facilities
Kitchens are provided for your use at Wooten Hall and at Green Hall. Appliances include a microwave and a coffee machine. The refrigerator is primarily for storing food and beverages for University Center functions. For the benefit of everyone, we ask that you clean up thoroughly after using the kitchen.
Please ask Dawn Disette or Kim Girman to show you how to operate the copier/scanner. If you use an off-campus service for copying/printing, you may use your university-issued credit card and charge to your research account. No personal mail, please.
To post and send mail or packages from Wooten Hall, please coordinate directly with Dawn Disette. To post and send mail or packages from Green Hall, see Kimberly Girman. No personal mail, please. In most cases, mailing expenses will be charged to your research account.
Incoming mail will be placed daily in your assigned mailbox.
A fax machine is provided for sending and receiving faxes during regular office hours. Faxes received for you will be put in your mailbox. The University Center's fax number at Wooten Hall is 609-258-2729; at Green Hall, the fax number is 609-258-1285.